Briefly but thoroughly describe your faith story.
Please share the areas you still struggle with. (*Note: This information is confidential. Your struggle is not necessarily a "deal-breaker," but rather this helps us work with you to gain strength in your weak areas. It also helps us understand any areas/activities you may want to avoid.)
Please list someone who knows you well, but is not related to you. This person should know your faith journey and have seen you working in a ministry environment.
Please list someone who knows you well, but is not related to you. This person should know your skills and have witnessed you in a working environment. This is particularly helpful if they can attest to your skills with regards to your desired work at Hope Church (worship/music, children, etc.).
Please list someone who knows you well, but is not related to you. This person should be able to speak to your relational/emotional maturity. They should be someone with whom you are comfortable being honest and open about your strengths and weaknesses.